If you need a pop punk song but you don´t have the capabilities to create one I can do it for you.
Here aresome examples what can be done:
- programmed drums
- a played or programmed bass
- played rhythm and lead guitars
- keys
- effects if needed
- synthersized vocals.
- Mixing and mastering is included.
Let´s talk about your ideas!
What I need from you
- general direction of the song or reference songs
- Ideas (if you already have some)
What you get
- Stem(s) of the enhancement(s) as a download
- wave file (.wav) in 48 kHz and 24-bit stereo
- Mix of the finished song
- wave file (.wav) in 48 kHz and 24-bit stereo
Fiverr Gig
here is a link to my fiverr gig according to this service:
(freelance service plattform)
Demonstration Video
Here is a video which demonstrates some of the excamples from above: